Friday, July 24, 2009

~3 months old!~

~3 months old!~
Today (Wednesday, July 22) marks Baby Braiden's 3 month birthday! It also makes one week that Michael has been back to work. We are all still adjusting but I have to say that Braiden is doing rather well. His day time schedule is still a little wacky with feedings every 2-3 hours and Hailey and I have figured out that we have to put him down for at least a little nap every 2 hours. He seems to be down for the night between 10-11:00 p.m. and wakes up to nurse between 2-3:00 a.m. then again every 2 hours (usually odd hours still). Half of the time he wakes up when he hears daddy's alarm going off but he can be put back to sleep.
Well, that first paragraph is all I was able to write on Wednesday. It is Friday, July 24th in the afternoon... got a few minutes now so hopefully I can get this email out sometime today!
Let's see... where was I... oh yah! Braiden has been such a joy for all of us! Everyone says that he is a "HAPPY BABY"!!! That I can agree on. The other comment we get alot is that he looks just like Michael. I can honestly say that throughout my whole pregnancy I always said that my baby was going to be smart cause it was sucking all my brains out and that holds true with Mr. Braiden Makoa! He is very calm and observant/alert. He has patience with everyone and knows how to listen. So that makes up my 50% of Braiden that I'll take credit for since he looks everybit like daddy!
I am hoping by now everyone has received our Thank You cards in the mail. MANY, MANY THANKS from all of us to you for ALL your help! The picture in their card was taken 2 weeks ago. They say that when you try to get a photograph of many kids together that there is always one that doesn't look or smile. Most thought that we would of had a hard time with Braiden but guess who wasn't giving us his best smile? Matthew... arggg! Braiden was actually the easiest! -go figure!
Attached you will see a few other pictures from that photo shoot. I will try to send multiple emails with some recent pictures of the kids as soon as I can sit at the computer again and download them today.
Until then... ENJOY!!!
Lots of Love,

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

~10 Weeks Old!~

Today while Braiden was having some tummy time on his boppy, I decided to have one of those dress up times with him and his hats. So I thought what better time for him to model his first Mickey Ears!
He went to Disneyland for the first time last week Friday, June 26th. We asked him, "Braiden, Do you want a Mickey Hat?" He responded with a coo....then we asked "Do you want it to say BRAIDEN?".... NO RESPONSE....we asked him "Do you want it to say BRAIDEN MAKOA?"....he RESPONDED with a long "AGOOO!" So BRAIDEN MAKOA it is! The lady that helped us with the embroidering on his hat was nice enough to accommodate him in putting his name on his first Mickey Ears!At 10 weeks old, our BRAIDEN MAKOA knows what he wants! ahhh!!! 10 weeks!!!....that makes me sad.... Time really flies by....we just have to remember not to blink.
Hoping you cherish this picture just as much as I am!
Lots of Love,

Sorry, Forgot to attach this picture of Braiden with the front of his Mickey Ears.