Monday, September 7, 2009

~4 months old~

Well, I have to appologize for this email update being sooo late. I've been in between this new project of mine.... My friend Grace (Koa's mom) suggested that I create a blog as a means of us communicating with everyone. It's another way of me saving these emails for the kids too and EVENTUALLY it will help me when I can physically scrapbook! So I have been trying to transfer all of my saved emails AND pictures from these updates to our new blog site. I will definitely continue to send updates to everyone as often as possible but please save our web site address to your favorites and check us out all the time!
*on our blog you can also check out all Braiden's happenings this past month! Not all of my blogs are quite complete yet with me needing to add more picture and or stories.... hopefully I can catch up on it this week.

~4 months old~
Saturday, August 22, 2009

Today we are getting ready to take our first road trip/vacation to Sacramento with Braiden. We are going to stay at Grandpa Dale and Nana Shirley's house for a few days. Our plan is to pack the majority of our stuff, attend a party this evening, come home early and put the kids to bed and as soon as Braiden wakes up around 4-5:00 a.m. I will nurse him while Michael loads the car and off we go! Hoping to only stop once for a feeding between 7-8:00 a.m.
Another FIRST for Braiden will be eating his first solid food -rice cereal (mixed with formula), we are also going to try to get him to drink formula from a bottle too!
-update and pictures to come...!


Sunday, August 30, 2009
We just arrived home today knowing that the mountains above us were on fire. It is considered to be the worst fire in Los Angeles County history. We have been keeping in touch with friends while we have been away in Sacramento and are blessed that our home is still here. Scary times when our neighbors on the street above us were all evacuated. Attached on our blog are a few pictures of the fire.

Our first road trip together as a family of 5 went rather well! As planned we left around 5:00 Sunday morning both going to and coming home from Sacramento. Luckily we only had to stop once both ways for our pit stop break where ALL 5 of us had breakfast and potty breaks!
During our visit to Grandpa Dale and Nana Shirley's house we started Braiden on his first solid food -rice cereal! We decided to start off with his 5:00 p.m. feeding. This is also our opportunity to introduce the bottle to him. I am going back to work next week and am thinking that if Braiden can drink from a bottle then that 5:00 feeding Michael, Matthew or Hailey can feed him for me as I prepare dinner or help with homework.
Of course! As predicted, Mr. Braiden Makoa has NO problems eating his cereal via spoon. His swallowing mechanism with his tongue seems to be coordinated however.... sucking the bottle is the problem. HE HATES IT! We have tried my milk -warm & room temperature, and formula milk -warm & room temperature.
Braiden had an off day on Friday as our "Sir poop a lot" had us running scared as he didn't have his normal morning nor afternoon poop. You see Braiden has never missed a poop in all the days of his life so far. Well, as we walked into Grandpa's house Friday night after dropping Hailey off at a friends house... Braiden was Mr. Cool wearing his new sunglasses and all of a sudden "?!?!" He bombed Tokyo! Hurray! Braiden was back to normal and is keeping his world record.

Now Braiden loves to grab things and then those things end up in his mouth. Everything & Anything! Another discovery for Braiden this past month is his FEET! He loves them! He has conversations with them all the time! The great thing about that is that his feet don't talk back!

Lots of Love,

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Disney's California Adventure

Happy to be at Disneyland!
Borrowing Daddy's Sunglasses

Toy Story Mania - 3D Glasses

Falling asleep while in line for Toy Story

Gone With The Chin!
As we were walking to Hollywood Tower of Terror, I spotted this sign and started to crack up!

Friday, September 4, 2009

4 month check-up

Waiting for my doctor
Playing with my feet!

Can you hear my heart beating?

Today Braiden had his 4 month check-up.
WEIGHT : 17 pounds 11 ounces (91 %)
LENGTH : 27 inches (90-95%)

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Locks of Love

Today was a milestone for me. I finally did it! I donated my hair to Locks of Love! As you all may know, I've been wanting to do this for awhile now. I had scheduled a routine hair trimming appointment for Hailey and I and thought when we got there, Is today the day? AH! Why not! My hair has been falling out in gobbs since giving birth to Braiden. I wanted to cut a good 6-8 inches so why not cut a little more (12+ inches) and donate it to a good cause. It was also a good opportunity to share in this experience with Hailey who fully understands the donating concept and for people in need of hair.
P.S. Can't wait for my hair to grow long again!