Saturday, August 7, 2010

Sesame Street: Outdoors with Jason Mraz

I'm Yours by Jason Mraz is a favorite song of ours so when Auntie Minda got wind of this she forwarded this song that he re-did with Elmo!  Jason Mraz visited Sesame Street and turned his hit song into a song about getting outdoors and exploring. 
Need less to say, this is an instant hit with Braiden Makoa!  He simply can't get enough of this song and apparently loves Elmo and the Sesame Street Family!  Can't tell you how many times the replay button was hit.
 Another song to add into Braiden's playlist :)

Friday, August 6, 2010

Despicable Me - Braiden's got it memorized

As soon as Braiden hears the words, "It's sooo fluffy!!!"  He anticipates the next part when Agnes (the little girl) makes that funny face with funny noises.  Being that he can't verbally copy it he can certainly imitate it!
He's got this clip memorized!

Video taken by Auntie Minda via Skype!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Pushing the power button = music to dance to!

As you all know Braiden LOVES to dance.  He normally asks us to turn music on in the livingroom but has discovered the POWER of pushing the power button on daddy's alarm clock.  Matthew's words "It's amazing that out of all the buttons on things, Braiden knows which one is the power button!"  He's one smart baby!

Did you notice all his dance moves!  Especially when he pushed the power button and ran with his pointer finger in the air!

Special Delivery From Oregon

Look what the mail man delivered to Braiden today!
A box of gifts from Grammee & Farmpa in Oregon!
It was filled with lots of FUN gifts!
These are perfect for him as he is interested in animals and the noises they make!
Farm Animals See N' Say
Braiden trying to figure out how to push the lever down...
The cow says "mooo"!!!

Sing-Along Farm Book

This was so cute... Braiden laying on his tummy reading his new book about Farm Animals and the noises they make.  You could hear him imitate some of the sounds.
to Grammee & Farmpa!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010


Matthew got the opportunity to take a sign language class and learned how to sign the entire song titled DYNAMITE by Taio Cruz.
He accomplished this in less than 5 weeks.  He and his class actually performed it on stage by means of wearing white gloves under black lights.  
  Unfortunately it was too dark for us to record it but here is a video that we taped of him performing it.

During the time while Matthew was rehearsing this, Braiden started to copy him and recognized the song whenever it came on the radio.

Not only did Braiden learn to sign to this song but LOVED to dance to it too!  Put your hands in the air!

15 month check-up

Growing into the doctor's office chairs

Gotto measure my eyelashes!

Being such a big boy while Dr. Chan is checking me out!


Weight : 23 1/2 pounds (40%)
Height : 32 1/4 inches (85%)

Monday, August 2, 2010

Playing video games

Braiden loves being part of the crew especially when everyone is playing video games. He has to sit on the couch front and center and have his very own wireless remote!

Kids faces are so serious
*notice Braiden's "fourCHINS"!!!

Making sure his settings are correct.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Silent Whistles with Cute Lips

Grammee mentioned that she loves Braiden's LIPS pictures from a previous posting so when we discovered that when Braiden was trying to whistle, he was making the same cute face with his lips...we captured it on video.  This ones for you Grammee!

Got Milk!

Gotta Love the Milk Mustache!