Friday, May 22, 2009

~1 month old~

FRIDAY, MAY 22, 2009

Hi Everyone!
Just a quick note to mark Baby Braiden's 1 month birthday! Exciting yet sad. We can't believe that 1 month has gone by. We are now in our new home (since Sunday night).
To think back all the way from January when we found out that the seller accepted our offer to March when we got our keys....then a little over a month ago when I would waddle over here with Hailey to bring lunch over to the boys and supervise the progress on our house.... and then giving birth to Braiden and thinking that it was impossible for us to balance every day life with Matthew & Hailey's schedules, the new baby - baby pains - including post pregnancy brain which BTW is worse than pregnancy brain!... renovations and not to mention packing and unpacking.
Glad to FINALLY say that we are now trying to settle down into the next chapter of our lives.... building memories in our new home.... unpacking one box at a time -IF Braiden allows us to and trying to get enough sleep at night.
Attched is a picture of Braiden and his friend Koa from last night at hula. I decided to try to get back into the routine of dancing again hoping that we could use the time away from the hustle and bustle of the new house and unwind. As you can see Braiden was calm and cool with his pal (Koa was born on Feb 21 - 2 months older than Braiden).
*Baby Braiden huggs n' kisses :
A BIG THANK YOU to Grandpa Dale, Nana Shirley, Grammee and Russell for my car seat stroller travel system! - As you can see, it's a cool hang out to be with my buddy!

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