Monday, June 22, 2009

~2 months old!~

~2 months old!~
Today Baby Braiden is 2 months old! What a way to celebrate this milestone with surprising all of us this afternoon by flipping over.... more than one time, always flipping from his tummy to his right while having some tummy time.
This morning we -Daddy, Mommy, Big Sister Hailey & Auntie Minda- all went to Braiden's 2 month check-up with his pediatrician, Dr. Chan.
He now weighs 13 pounds 12 ounces -90%tile
He grew an additional 1 3/4 inches ( 23 3/4 in ) -75%tile
He got 3 shots (1 in his left drumstick and 2 in his right drumstick) AND 1 oral vaccine. He didn't like any of it at all. Since then he has been REALLY FUSSY AND NOT HIMSELF :( as I am typing this he is crying :( he is not even drinking well :(
All in all, he got a clean bill of health.... Dr. Chan says that he is a HAPPY, HEALTHY BABY! Braiden coo-ed and smiled through his whole physical!
Lots of Love,

2 month check-up

~2 month check-up~
Monday, June 22, 2009
WEIGHT : 13 pounds 12 ounces (90%)
LENGTH : 23 3/4 inches (75%)

Braiden Rolls Over at 2 Months Old!

This video was taken on Monday, June 22.

After a day at the doctor's office for Braiden's 2 month check up and immunizations, we were having some tummy time when Braiden decided to hit a milestone. It wasn't till about the 3rd time of him flipping when it finally hit me to stop taking still pictures and to record this event. Of course daddy was off working at the old house so with great excitement we called him with this great news!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

~8 weeks old!~

~8 weeks old!~
Braiden has changed sooo much during the last few weeks. He is engaging in conversation and can spot us from far away. He loves to smile and talk to everyone. This attachment is a little video of him last night showing all of us what a smart & happy baby he is!
Lots of love,

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Mac Baby Makoa ~6 weeks old~

Hi Everyone!
Attached are a few pictures that we took just a few hours ago. I've been wanting to buy Braiden hats but Michael doesn't think they look good... so today after my 6 week doctor's appointment we went walking in the mall and I was so happy to buy Braiden this CUTE hat! Guess how much it was? 19 cents! - can't get any better than that! I couldn't wait to try it on him when we got home since he was sleeping in the stroller at the store. He was SOOO hungry and wouldn't tolerate it. Michael is convinced that Braiden agrees with him about the hat and I'm convinced he is the cutest baby around!
Lots of luv,