Monday, June 22, 2009

~2 months old!~

~2 months old!~
Today Baby Braiden is 2 months old! What a way to celebrate this milestone with surprising all of us this afternoon by flipping over.... more than one time, always flipping from his tummy to his right while having some tummy time.
This morning we -Daddy, Mommy, Big Sister Hailey & Auntie Minda- all went to Braiden's 2 month check-up with his pediatrician, Dr. Chan.
He now weighs 13 pounds 12 ounces -90%tile
He grew an additional 1 3/4 inches ( 23 3/4 in ) -75%tile
He got 3 shots (1 in his left drumstick and 2 in his right drumstick) AND 1 oral vaccine. He didn't like any of it at all. Since then he has been REALLY FUSSY AND NOT HIMSELF :( as I am typing this he is crying :( he is not even drinking well :(
All in all, he got a clean bill of health.... Dr. Chan says that he is a HAPPY, HEALTHY BABY! Braiden coo-ed and smiled through his whole physical!
Lots of Love,

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