Thursday, February 4, 2010

9 month check-up


Weight : 20 pounds (35%)
Height : 29 1/4 inches (88%)

It worked out perfect that Braiden had his scheduled
9 month check-up today.
Yesterday for lunch I had prepared some brown rice and egg yolk in addition to some vegetables for Braiden. To make a long story short... he busted out in rashes as a result from an allergic reaction to the egg yolk. He has had egg yolk (hard boiled) a few weeks back and was fine but this time I had mixed the egg yolk in his rice while it was cooking. Doctor said that it was the way the yolk was prepared. That way isn't good cause not all the white gets separated therefore causing his allergic reaction.
Braiden has been fussy and not feeling well but all in all he is a trooper! ... as you can see in his picture.

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