Sunday, October 31, 2010

Halloween Trick-Or-Treating

Getting transformed into a Pump-e-kin!

Family picture!

rolling pump-e-kins!

I've fall 'n and I can't get up!

Hailey transformed into a pump-e-kin too!
*This was originally Auntie Minda's costume
from waayyy back when!

Pump-e-kins on Parade!

We had to take turns carrying Braiden.

when that didn't work....
we had to put him in his stoller.

Mommy and her 3 pump-e-kins
-well just imagine Matthew in a pumpkin costume ;) 

notice Braiden is checking out this witch

Braiden saying "Hi" to the witch
-probably wondering why she looks the way she looks!
By the way:  This witch hasn't aged a bit!  We have practically seen her every year since Hailey was born and she is looking as young as ever! Same warts and wrinkles!

High Five to the witch!

That's a gigantic pumpkin...
maybe because it's eating all the smaller pumpkins!

Being that it was about Braiden's bed time, he didn't last very long trick-or-treating so he was grumpy and tired.  He got to experience all the festivities of Halloween INCLUDING his hard earned candy loot!

He got a purple, grape flavored lollipop


He really sucked this sucker dry!

notice how comfy he was with his legs crossed

Time to go home.  Daddy will take care of the candy!

Carving Pumpkins

Inspector Braiden was on the look out today watching us carve away.  We weren't sure how he was going to react when seeing us do this.  He loves his pump-e-kins.

Eating his lunch while supervising daddy with his pumpkin

Braiden's Honu pattern

Hailey concentrating

It's beginning to look like a Honu!

WOW Daddy!  My pump-e-kin has a honu on it!

I Love It!

Hailey's ready to carve out her pumpkin castle pattern

Hellooo in there!!!

Daddy's pumpkin looks just like my funny face!

Mommy's design of a plumeria

I think my pump-e-kin is hungry

diggin in...

pumpkin guts....yuck!

Hand carved finished products of The Trang Ohana!

Matthew brainstorming ideas

Yay! I'm done!

Hailey's carving was of a pumpkin face castle

Mommy's plumeria pumpkin

Daddy's funny face

Braiden's Honu

Matthew's Honu

pump-e-kins all lite up