Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Making Memories at Disneyland

On our way to Disneyland!      
On the tram

Glad to be back here!
Everyone's first time riding The Little Mermaid ride!
Auntie Katie was SOOO excited!
Braiden says to Auntie Katie, "Ha! Ha! Sucker!"
cuz he got to ride in the GREEN clamshell!
HUG Mickey!!!
KISS Mickey!

SIT on Mickey!

Braiden LOVED interacting with Mickey.  He wanted to give him hugs and kisses and when we said to stand and turn around to take pictures he asked Mickey if he could sit on his knee!  The rest of the day Braiden seemed to have his own agenda of looking for the rest of the gang of Disney characters.
We <3 Mickey Mouse

Riding the Choo Choo!!!

In line for my first roller coaster experience...
I'm next!

Go Go Gadget!!!

Braiden's First roller coaster experience video

Finally on my favorite ride!
-Small World!!!

Dancing to the drumming music for the parade.
Sharing some popcorn with my duck friends.

Next in line for Splash Mountain and it breaks down.
All loaded up but mission failed.... they had to deboard the ride. BOO!!!
Clam Chowder Bowl
Corn Dog
We shared clam chowder and gumbo bread bowls, corn dogs, fish n' chips, chicken strips and bengal bbq n' veggie scewers for our dinner all while watching Fantasmic!

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