Monday, May 31, 2010

Braiden's First Lollipop!

We were all in the car after having a belated birthday lunch with Hailey this afternoon. Matthew and Hailey were both sucking on Dum Dum suckers that they got from the restaurant and daddy gave permission for Braiden to take a lick... see for yourselves!!!
-his mouth was moving 30 mph!!!
We couldn't stop cracking up :)

*sorry for the lopsided view... I was holding the camera sideways

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Braiden Dancing

Mr. B has a passion for music and dancing. After all the exposure of hearing and feeling music and dance since in my tummy he can now show us his love for it! He can't keep still when he hears music and LOVES to dance to hawaiian music. He can now spin around the island! -check out his dance moves :)

Braiden's warm up music -Baby Einstein

Dancing with Hailey -Knees bent and hips loose for hula

Braiden spinning around the island

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Braiden's 1st Birthday Cake

THE cake!
(1/2 strawberry, 1/2 mango)

Braiden's very OWN 1st birthday cake!

Playing with my candles

Digging in!

OOO... feels squishy!

Let me taste...


Hand painting my tray

Anyone want cake?

uh oh!...


Why am I wearing cake mittens?
I feel yucky

help me...


I had enough sugar!

Time to get rinsed off

Milestone Birthday THANK YOU!

Thank You for
making our milestone
birthdays special!
Me Ke Aloha Pumehana
Braiden Makoa - 1 year
Hailey Lokelani - 10 years
Matthew Mikaele - 13 years

Thursday, May 20, 2010


Braiden texting on daddy's crackberry

(texting & playing his baby einstein music at the same time)

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Nesting Cups

Nesting cups are developementally great for kids to play with... in my experience I see that once they are able to grasp the concept of fitting these cups into each other, then it is a sign that they can start cleaning up after themselves!
Sure enough Braiden has been putting smaller objects into bigger ones and is starting to put his toys into their baskets!

Saturday, May 15, 2010

my SLY guy!

Pull ups -gotto work on my chins :)
Tunnel peek-a-boo

As you all know, Braiden is quite an active baby boy and LOVES being outdoors. Today he had great fun at the park playing in the swings and running through the fields.
Of course the minute we strapped him into his car seat,
he was passed out!


I am proud to say that a month or so ago Braiden learned to say the word "YES"! Most of us learn to say "NO" first and being a mommy -3 times around :) I made an early decision that I would make great effort to teach Braiden "YES" rather than "NO".

Add in daddy to the lesson and this is what we get...

Let me translate:

Michael asks Braiden : "Are you handsome like daddy?"

Braiden's answer : "Yes!"

Monday, May 10, 2010

Braiden's I'm too sexy dance!

It's a routine now that all of us look forward to
-especially Braiden...
after he takes his bath and dressed just in his diaper, he sticks out his tongue and waits for daddy to help him with his
"I'm too sexy" dance!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Our Mommy's Day

Truth be told,
I wasn't all that yummy
before I became a mummy
(*nursing mama!)
I could never do all that you do.
You're amazing!
Thank You!
(Michael admiring me at work)
I can't do anymore than I can do!
So why do I keep trying?
(Me going crazy from work)
Bye Sweetie,
I'll be back with the kids in a couple of hours.
Enoy you're alone time, Relax.
(Michael giving me a break and me questioning it)
Our Mommy's Day

Our Mommy's days is busy,
she works as hard as she is able...
doing laundry, chores and cleaning,
and putting dinner on the table.

Our Mommy's day is long and full,
she's always on the go.
She takes us places and teaches us
all the things we need to know.

Our Mommy's pretty tired at night,
We know what that's about...
being so loving and caring
can wear a Mommy out!

Love, Matthew, Hailey and Braiden

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Braiden's Newborn Photos

I was going through Braiden's baby book and look what I came across! I guess throughout all the chaos of just giving birth and moving...I forgot to send everyone these pictures!
Better late than ever! :)

Thursday, May 6, 2010

T is for Turtle

I wish that I recorded this earlier to document the age this started to happen: Maybe back in mid January, Braiden has been able to identify the GREEN T block which has a picture of a turtle on the opposite side. This is from the alphabet train he got from christmas. He is able to sort/separate the blocks by color -especially green and able to find the T for Turtle block. This was not taught to him, simply AMAZING!!!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Braiden Shooting Hoops!

He's a Baller!

Out of the side of my eye I caught an image shooting a basket. To my great surprise it was Braiden shooting hoops! I ran and got the camera and happily caught this proud moment!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

1 year check-up

Braiden Makoa
making his world debut!


Weight : 22 pounds 2 ounces (45%)
Height : 31 inches (85%)

Oh my goodness!!! I can't believe today was Braiden's 1 year check-up. Where has that one year gone... He has grown into a little boy gaining about 15 pounds and stretching 12 inches since his world debut!
Our ever growing, happy, healthy baby boy got a clean bill of health! He received 2 routine immunizations and had blood drawn for his 1 year lab work. Just a few tears when he was stuck by the many needles then back up bouncing with happiness as soon as he was free! For now he is running around proud with a band aid on each leg and one on his arm showing off his "battle wounds". He conquered today!