Tuesday, May 4, 2010

1 year check-up

Braiden Makoa
making his world debut!


Weight : 22 pounds 2 ounces (45%)
Height : 31 inches (85%)

Oh my goodness!!! I can't believe today was Braiden's 1 year check-up. Where has that one year gone... He has grown into a little boy gaining about 15 pounds and stretching 12 inches since his world debut!
Our ever growing, happy, healthy baby boy got a clean bill of health! He received 2 routine immunizations and had blood drawn for his 1 year lab work. Just a few tears when he was stuck by the many needles then back up bouncing with happiness as soon as he was free! For now he is running around proud with a band aid on each leg and one on his arm showing off his "battle wounds". He conquered today!

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