Friday, July 22, 2011

Resourceful boys

My boys are true prodigies of their daddy.
Story #1 : 
Last week Saturday,  Michael was showing our property to potential tenants.  Prior to these clients arriving,  Matthew told Michael that he needed to use the bathroom -keep in mind that there are NO utilities hooked up as the house is vacant.  Michael asked him to wait a bit and they would go to Starbucks down the street as soon as his morning appointment were over.  Well... as Michael approached the upstairs bathroom WITH the clients, out comes Matthew from the bathroom with a plastic bag in hand.  Need I say more?!?!  Let's just say that Matthew put a yellow plastic lollicup bag and kleenex that he found in the car to good use.  Michael has deemed Matthew as the reining "Thumper Dumper"!!!

Story #2 :
Last night when Hailey was trying to get Braiden out of the tub, he decided to squat and bare down with all his might.  He immediately layed out a log in the bathtub as I was desperately trying to get him on the toilet.  This is the first time that this has ever happened!  After he was done he said, "all pau" then he asked to see IT.  He then said, "ewww gross"! 
Go figure... This just goes to show that when my boys have to go, they have to GO!  AND they are VERY resourceful in all that they do!

*SORRY no pictures BUT i'm sure everyone has a good mental picture painted in their minds =)

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