Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Where are you...???

I've somewhat become familiar with my new camera and can now record and post videos.   Now the key is to remember to have the camera on the right settings and to have it handy to capture these moments.
It's amazing how Braiden's vocabulary has taken off!  Every day his words become more clear and his repertoire of words is expanding.  I'm hoping to capture this progress for keep sake.

During bath time tonight, Braiden was saying, "Auntie, Where are you"?  He'd go down his list of people who were here and have this scrunched up look on his face.  We'd ask if they went home and he would say, "NO,  Auntie airplane, up" or "Grandpa car".  Of course I didn't have my camera so as I was getting him dressed I tried to get him to retell his story and had a little bit of luck!

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