Saturday, April 18, 2009

~11 days to go!~

~11 days to go!~
phewww! baby alert avoided!
Last night I didn't sleep again. I was having contractions from midnight till about 7:00 in the morning. I got up about three times and that was even more painful trying to manuever myself out of bed. I managed to sit up for awhile and take a few steps to the bathroom. Sometimes changing positions helps with the pain of contractions. Also taking a few sips of water. I had to take the dreaded TUMS before laying down last night cause my heartburn/indigestion was just horrible. I think it helped a little bit.
I was able to get up and cook a pancake breakfast for everyone as they all ran out the door. Hailey has girl scouts today. (she is trying to complete some requires that will allow her to advance to the next level of girl scouts - being a "Junior Girl Scout".) Michael and Matthew are hard at work with the new house. I am hoping to bring them lunch this afternoon and see the progress of this past weeks work...
Lots of love,

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