Friday, April 10, 2009

~19 days to go!~

~19 days to go!~

Hello Family!
I really wanted to email yesterday but had no energy after a long day. Hopefully I'll be able to write a little something every day until "D-Day" to keep everyone updated.
I am still working as much as I can and plan to take it day by day. The parents understand that at ANY given time I will just have to drop everything. So I hope to continue working through next week.
Yesterday early morning I had consistant contractions from about 3-6 something in the morning. Standing up was horrible but then throughout the day there was nothing happening. THANK GOODNESS! We didn't have our hula classes last night due to spring break so we decided to get some house stuff done. We went to order our carpet and tiles!
Here is whats happening with our new house:
Today and tomorrow, Michael is going to finish up working on the hardwood floors.
Our tiles and floor supplies are being delivered tomorrow-Saturday sometime in the morning...
Starting this weekend, he plans on laying the wonderboard down in the kitchen, dining & family rooms in preparation for tiles. In between that he is going to start color painting the bedrooms!
Our carpet will come in the last week of April (4/27) and we can install anytime after it arrives. We anticipate the house being somewhat move in condition as early as the beginning of May. As for packing... that has been put on hold as Michael has been working hard in preparing our new house. I haven't been able to pack much myself but have managed to stuff a few boxes. We will probably end up moving room by room as moving day/s approaches.
In the meantime, I have started to somewhat prepare for baby's arrival. Thanks to all of you who are sending gifts and helping us as much as you can....we have a good supply of necessities for baby to get us started. IT MEANS SO MUCH TO THE 5 OF US FOR ALL YOUR HELP & SUPPORT! -THANK YOU-
Hopefully I can keep in touch with the whole family by this means of emailing. It's really hard when family is so close to my heart but you all are miles away. Sharing my thoughts and activities hopefully keeps us a little more connected.
Lots of Love,

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